Julian (The Stone Society Book 9) Page 2
The clicking of heavy heels sounded in the hallway. That meant her time of reflection was over. Kat turned her head toward the front wall and waited to see who her tormentor for the day would be. Dark shoes appeared in her line of vision, and Katherine allowed her eyes to roam all the way up to the newcomers face. “Miss Fox, I’m Special Agent Sonja Rayaz. You’ll be spending some time with me this afternoon. If you would, please, come with me.”
Katherine rose. It wasn’t like she had a choice. She could either go willingly or suffer further abuse. She wiped at any dust that may have accumulated on her backside. The agent unlocked her door and held it open. Kat stepped through as she mentally prepared herself for whatever this woman had in store. The agent motioned for Katherine to follow her.
“No handcuffs?” Katherine asked before she could stop her mouth.
“Would you prefer I put them on you?”
“Not particularly.”
“Then we should be fine without them. Besides, should you try anything, I can kill you with my bare hands before you could even blink.” The woman wasn’t much larger than Katherine, but she didn’t want to test that theory. She had endured enough pain to last five lifetimes. The agent led her down the hallway before turning down another corridor which led to a small room equipped with a reclining leather chair, like you’d see in a dentist’s office, as well as a lot of high-tech looking equipment. “Please have a seat. I’m not going to strap you in unless you want me to. What I’m going to do is probe your mind. It won’t be painful unless you fight it.”
“I won’t fight. I want the truth more than you do,” she vowed. And she would try her best to remember. If the FBI could get information out of her brain that would clear her name, she was all for it. It beat the hell out of almost being drowned. She sat down in the chair and got as comfortable as she could. The room was cold, so she ran her hands up and down her arms, shivering as she remembered being left in an icy cold room while still wet from the waterboarding.
The agent rolled a cart across the room and began attaching electrode patches to Katherine’s temples. “I need you to clear your mind for me. I’m going to delve into your past and see if I can’t jar some memories loose. I’m also going to put you into a temporary hypnotic state, but you won’t be so far under that you’re completely at my mercy.” The agent flipped a few switches, and the machine whirred to life. Kat didn’t think she could be hypnotized, but she didn’t tell the woman that.
“I’m going to start with a few basic questions. What is your full name?”
“Katherine Annalise Fox.”
“Where do you live?”
“New Atlanta.”
“What is your occupation?”
“I’m a news reporter.”
“Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?”
“I did have a boyfriend.”
“Yes. I doubt he’ll be waiting on me.”
“Where did you grow up?”
“In New Atlanta.”
“Who are your parents?”
“I was raised by John and Lucinda Prater. My parents are dead.”
“Okay, who were your parents?”
“I… don’t remember my mother. My father was Tobias Fox.”
“Do you remember what happened to your father?”
“Yes… he…” Katherine tensed up at the memory. She had been around seven at the time, but bits and pieces came back to her when she didn’t want them to. “He was killed.”
“I want you to close your eyes. I know this is painful, but I want you to think back, Miss Fox. Tell me everything you remember about that day.”
With her knees hugged tight to her chest, Katie made herself as small as possible, praying the big man wouldn’t find her hiding spot. Her momma had told her to run, so she did. As fast as her legs would take her, she ran downstairs to the dark basement with her momma right behind her. A sliver of light seeped through the small rectangular window on the opposite wall from where she was hidden behind the water heater. Her eyes were hurting from having them closed tightly, waiting for the big man to… But he didn’t. He yelled at her momma then he hit her.
Yell. Hit. Scream.
Yell. Hit. Scream.
Yell. Hit.
Katie pulled her shirt up into her mouth to keep from crying out, but she couldn’t keep from peeing on herself. When her momma didn’t scream anymore, the man stopped yelling at her. Instead, he let out some words Katie had heard her papa use, but her momma told her they were bad. Katie knew she was next, but he shouted out one last curse and trod heavily up the steps. When there were no more sounds from overhead, Katie crept over to where her momma’s body lay unmoving.
The flashing red and blue lights bounced off the walls, alternatively highlighting the red marks splattered across the wall of the basement. Heavy footfalls thudded against the floor overhead. The footsteps got louder. Closer. Katie couldn’t move. She’d made it as far as her momma’s body and was frozen in place again. Her momma wasn’t breathing. Katie’s ear was glued to her momma’s chest, and her eyes were fixated on the red splatters on the wall.
“We’ve got two bodies down here,” a man yelled as his flashlight shone over Katie. Fingers touched her neck before reaching out for her mother’s. “The child is alive. Get an ambulance!” A big hand pushed Katie’s hair back from her face. “Sweetheart, can you hear me? Where are you hurt?”
Katie couldn’t find her voice, but if she could, she would’ve told him her chest hurt, and she was cold. More people came downstairs. The beams of a bunch of flashlights bounced around the room, and Katie once again closed her eyes. The voices ran together as someone pried her hands away from her momma’s shirt. Her body was lifted away after they looked her over, making sure she wasn’t hurt. Strong arms like her papa’s carried her up the stairs. It wasn’t until they had taken her outside before she opened her eyes. Being seven, she didn’t realize what all was going on other than she was being put in the back of an ambulance and taken away from her parents. She needed to stay there. She needed to stay and check on her papa. Where was he? Had the big man hurt him too?
“Very good, Katherine. When you mentioned your parents earlier, you said you didn’t remember your mother, but you just told me about her. Why is that?”
Katherine replayed the scene in her head. Her mother was in a mental hospital, so why was she seeing this woman in her memory? Something wasn’t right. “My mother was hospitalized.”
“But you just told me your mother was killed by ‘the big man’.”
“I know, but… Something’s off. I don’t know…”
“It’s okay. Do you remember what happened after that?”
Katherine had fought so hard to put that part of her life out of her memory. She focused on being with John and Lucinda in a loving environment. She had hit the foster parent lottery with those two. “I went to live with my foster parents.”
“Describe the house for me.”
“It was red brick in a nice neighborhood.”
“Did you ever visit anyone who lived in the country?”
Katherine tensed up. She knew where this line of questioning was going even though her mind was relaxed. “Lucinda’s parents lived on a farm in Alabama. We went there every summer for a week.”
“Thank you, Miss Fox. I want you to think of what makes you happiest in the world, and I’ll come back in a few minutes.”
The agent’s heavy heels sounded against the floor as she retreated from the room. Katherine didn’t open her eyes. She was confused as to why she would talk about a mother she didn’t know. Maybe you just don’t remember her. Why would she remember her father in such detail but not her mother? The agent had instructed her to think about what made her happiest. When she wiped the image of the bleeding woman out of her mind, she allowed herself to drift. What made her happiest in the world? An unbidden image of Julian Stone was the first thing she thought of.
Kat, I’m here, Sweetheart. Hang
And now she was hearing Julian’s voice in her head. Delving into her subconscious had really done a number on her mind. Kat. She really liked that he called her that. If only she could hear him say it for real.
Chapter Two
As soon as the jet landed, Julian called Nikolas, asking him to meet him at home. Having driven himself to the airport, he had approximately half an hour, give or take a few minutes depending on traffic, before he arrived at the large house he lived in by himself. While most of the Gargoyles had housekeepers, Julian preferred the solitary life. Considering he spent most of his time at the lab, someone to look after him seven days a week wasn’t necessary.
Arriving before his brother, Julian took a long look around the house he’d lived in for the last thirty years. It, as much as the lab, was his sanctuary. Probably more so, considering no one, save Nikolas, ever came to visit. He preferred it that way. For all intents and purposes, Julian was a solitary Gargoyle. His job required his complete attention; therefore, if someone was around, he tended to tune them out. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be around others; on the contrary. He missed interacting with his brothers and cousins.
Now that he’d found his mate, his life would be anything but lonely – if he could get her away from the Feds. When you get her away from them. Thinking about his mate and what their future looked like, Julian needed to make plans for someone to watch over his home while he was away with Kat, securing her in an unknown location. There was no way he could rescue Kat from the hands of the US Government and bring her to his home. Or could he? There was no connection between the two of them the Feds should be aware of. None but his closest family would know, and none of them would betray his whereabouts. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted her there with him and not some undisclosed location.
“In here,” Julian replied to his brother. Nikolas was twelve years older, but most times it felt as though they could be twins. Their bond was undeniable, and for that, Julian was grateful.
“I oughta beat your ass, little brother,” Nik railed. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me you were going to Texas? You know I’d have gone with you.”
“I do know, and that is why I didn’t say anything. You have a pregnant mate you need to look after.”
“I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, thank you very much,” Sophia chastised. “I’m pregnant, not crippled. Besides, I’m a half-blood,” she added, not letting either one of the Stone brothers forget what she thought of herself. She was four months pregnant with his niece or nephew, and she had a cute little belly forming. Julian’s thoughts went to his own mate, and he imagined Katherine round with his child.
“Would you like to tell us what you found out?” Nik asked, taking the focus off his mate.
“I would, but first I want to know what Rafael called to tell me before I mentioned where I was. He said whatever it was could wait, but he wouldn’t have called if it hadn’t been important.”
“When you didn’t show up at the manor Sunday, he was worried. And since I had no clue where you were, he decided to pull the King card. He wanted as many of us to be there for Jonathan as possible. His cancer is spreading, and he’s not doing well. Priscilla is doing worse at the thought of losing her brother.”
“You would think as smart as Jonas is he could find a cure.”
“JoJo’s trying, believe me. When he isn’t at the hospital, he’s downstairs in his lab,” Sophia said.
“Now, you want to tell us what you found on your trip?” Nik asked.
“Katherine is being held at FSM.”
“The SuperMax?” Nik asked. When Julian nodded, his brother continued. “Why in the fuck is she being held there instead of the women’s prison?”
“Good fucking question. One I do not have an answer to. Gods, I cannot imagine what they are doing to her. I swear to all that is holy, if they have harmed her…” Julian began pacing. He’d done well on the plane ride home pushing those devastating thoughts from his mind. But now…
“What are you planning, Brother?”
“Even if there was a way to remove the evidence against her, it is already out there. The Feds cannot unsee what they have already seen, so I am going to break her out.”
“Of SuperMax.”
“Yes, of SuperMax. I have copies of the blueprints. I made notations of the guards’ schedules. I took photographs of the facility and its surroundings as well as someone I believe I can impersonate long enough to get inside and find her.”
“If you have a photo, I can get JoJo to design a mask so you’ll look exactly like the guard.”
“Actually, it won’t be a guard I am impersonating. It will be an FBI agent. Having a prosthetic would be ideal, but I don’t want to take Jonas away from his research.”
“Nonsense. He’s been working on the cure for cancer for decades. Putting it off for a couple of days isn’t going to set him back. Now, what about women guards? Were there any of those?” Sophia asked. The look in her eyes was one of excitement. Nik didn’t miss it, either.
“Oh, no you don’t. Your pretending days are over, Mrs. Stone.”
“But, Gorgeous–”
“Don’t you but gorgeous me. As long as you are carrying my daughter, you are not doing anything to jeopardize her well-being.”
“Your daughter?” Julian had been so caught up in his own troubles he wasn’t aware they knew the sex of their baby.
“According to Dante, we’re having a girl. Now, back to the plan.”
Julian smiled at his brother. He knew without a doubt Nikolas was going to be a wonderful father. He was a bit immature himself, so he’d have no trouble getting on a child’s level.
“We could always call Tessa. She’s had a lot of practice at disguising herself,” Sophia suggested.
“She did a great job impersonating Isabelle when Alistair was holding her prisoner. I wonder if Gregor would go along with it.” Julian was getting hopeful at the prospect of having help in going after Kat. Tessa would be the perfect partner to help infiltrate FSM.
“There’s only one way to find out. I’ll go call my cousin and fill her in,” Sophia said and left the males alone.
Julian had done well keeping his emotions in check on the flight home, but now that he was alone with his brother – his best friend – he was close to losing it. “I couldn’t feel her, Nik. I reached out, but I couldn’t sense her,” he whispered. Nik crossed the room to where Julian was sitting on the arm of the sofa and placed his hand on the back of Julian’s neck. He closed his eyes and accepted the comforting touch. Dante was the strongest of the Gargoyles when it came to passing calming energy through a touch, but Nikolas was doing a good job at soothing Julian’s hurting heart.
“Don’t give up hope. You’ve seen what the other mates have gone through, yet they’ve all come out the other side no worse for the wear. I don’t think the fates would have you find yours only to lose her. They aren’t that cruel.”
“I hope you are right,” Julian whispered.
When his mate returned, only then did Nikolas pull his hand away. “Tessa’s on her way over. I could practically hear her bouncing when I told her what was going on. She’s ready for her next adventure,” Sophia said as she entered the room.
“Gregor will probably have something to say about that,” Julian said.
“Oh, he’s ready to go with you. He’s pissed at the way the Feds dismissed him,” Sophia countered.
“I think Tessa’s been a bad influence on our cousin. Gregor has all but turned the Pen over to Deacon,” Nik said. “Then again, I’d rather hang out with my mate than all those criminals too.” Nikolas pulled Sophia to his side, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Julian wasn’t jealous, but he was wistful. Now that he’d kissed Kat, he knew how powerful the pull of the mate bond was. Not being able to hold her was torment of the worst kind.
Within a few minutes, Gregor and Tessa walked into Julian’s den. Tessa wa
s holding a bag of cheesy puffs, and Sophia practically lunged for them. “Gimme,” she said, grabbing for the bag.
Tessa snatched the bag away from her cousin and pointed a claw at her. “Back off, Sister. These are my cheesy puffs. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you can pilfer my snacks.”
Julian was afraid the two half-bloods were going to come to blows, but Nikolas and Gregor were grinning at their mates. Before Sophia could get too upset, Tessa pulled a larger bag of puffs out of her backpack and tossed them to her cousin. “There, heifer.”
“Thanks!” Sophia ripped the bag open and shoved several into her mouth. “Oh, gods, these are so good.”
“Should I stock up?” Julian asked.
“Nah. She’ll be craving something else soon. This week it’s cheesy puffs. Last week it was spicy enchiritos. Before that it was Fruity Krisp cereal,” Nik explained, grinning. “I sleep in my shoes so I can make two a.m. grocery store runs.” Sophia backhanded her mate on the chest, and Nik let out a grunt.
“Okay, enough pregnant craving talk. Let’s get on with the good stuff,” Tessa interrupted before wadding the empty package up and shoving it into her backpack. “Jules, I’m ready to help you any way I can.”
“Me too, Brother. Those fuckers pissed me off. Tessa and I are here for you. Whatever you need,” Gregor added.
Julian was blessed to have the family he did. The Clan was strong as a whole, but those who were related by blood were willing to go the extra mile. They’d already proven that when the other mates were in trouble. “Thank you both. Here’s what I know.” Julian explained everything he’d found out on his trip to Texas. He downloaded the photos from his camera to his laptop and displayed the pictures on the television so everyone didn’t have to crowd around.